Cllr. Mary Mears
BH2020/02836 – Land South of Ovingdean Road
It is clear that the approved layout would have been undeliverable under the Outline Planning permission granted to the original planning application, and now needs changes to the approved scheme to make it work.
All the changes are to enable a deliverable development, which were not in the Outline planning permission granted.
With the new changes I would ask the planning committee to ensure no harm comes to the ecology and biodiversity of the site which is in a semi‐rural location , close to two nature reserves
The natural flora of the site is species rich grassland and contains rare species. It is part of the South Downs Way Ahead Nature improvement Area and it is a Local Wildlife site( BH78 Meadowvale listed in City plan part 2)
It also links the wildlife corridor along Longhill with the wider SDNP.
The concerns raised by residents is for the long term protection and enhancing the biodiversity of the site., including the Paddock area at the upper part of the site whose future is unknow as yet.
The issues of the appearance of the houses is important as the site is very steep as it runs up to the Falmer road and all the neighbouring houses are lower down and will be looking up at the development by
Brookworth Homes who do display rather bland box like red brick houses on their website. The previous developer Lightwood had look at designs to blend in with the neighbouring flint properties in keeping with the surrounding area.
Should the decision be to granted this application of Condition 4 under delegated powers I wish the application to go to the planning committee for decision and reserve my right to speak.